The water comes out of our tap so clear, clean and cold. It's as though I'm drinking water from a private underground source, straight out of the rocks underneath my house and into the jam jar that I use as a glass.
Our water has such a good taste and I've found that I've become spoiled by it. It's gotten so bad, that when I'm not here, I need to buy the next best thing. I'm like a crack addict when I'm away. Needing buy and horde at least six bottles of the stuff in my car, sneaking out for a 'hit' when no one is looking.
At least I fit in here with the French addiction to bottled water. Enter any grocery store and you will find almost an entire wing devoted to the various types of bottled water. There's natural sparkling (with two types: large or small bubbles), still water, flavoured water, water from the Alps, water from Italy, water that's a bit salty, water that has magnesium in it, water that comes from the village just over the valley, water that comes from Paris, etc etc. It's a serious business.
Who knew something we take for granted could become so addicting.
There's a lesson here, I'm sure.
Saw this as well:
I long as the tap water tastes like mine!! ;)
Dang the link doesn't work!
Strangely I did not think your tap water had a taste, but I can't drink Volvic water, I don't like its taste !
Volvic is great as long as it is cold, same with Dig's water. I couldn't keep enough bottles in the fridge! xoxoxox
Life is rough. We have your standard tap. UGH. My kids want to filter it...
A couple of monthes ago, a co-worker found an all natural food store in Kansas city about two hours away, and was talking about Volvic water. I got so excited!! I told them about going right to the spring and filling up my bottle. She now brings me Volvic whenever she goes to KC!! xoxoxo
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