Friday, March 6, 2009

No Better Way to Celebrate My Sister's Birthday

There is nothing like starting your day with a 3 year old jumping on your belly, yelling, "hey baby" while your 7 year old tells you how excited he is because he thinks his hair "down there" is growing. Not to mention a 5 year old princess, who sneaks in, steals the covers, and then demands that I get up to help her find clothes for school.

Chaos at it's finest.

What better way to remember that today is my sister's birthday. My sister, who embraces chaos with both arms wide open, the one who knows that chaos needs a ride to soccer practice and swim team after school, the one who knows it's best to wash everything in a cold cycle so nothing gets ruined, the one who knows that no matter how clean the house gets, when chaos walks in that door, give up and grab the corkscrew.

This would be the sister who is trying with all her might to find a cheap flight to come and spend a weekend with us after Whoopsie is born. Hubster thinks she's nuts to come so far for such a short visit. Not to mention the cost.

"Why would she do that," he asks?

"Cause she loves me. And her wine cellar is getting empty."

She made the same kinda trip right after Mini-Husband was born. Flying across the ocean for a weekend of baby cuddling, nappy changing, and beer drinking with her in shock post-partum sister. She took care of our laundry, made us dinners, and asked Hubster about his day at work while I melted into a breast feeding coma on the couch. Basically, she took care of us. She helped us. Huge.

I love that she wants to do this again. Fly herself across the ocean, leave her four kids and husband at home, just to come and entertain my four kids and husband. She seems to get this chaos thing really, really well and I can only thank her for being so willing to share her expertise with me once again.

I'm really hoping you have a great birthday and that you find that cheap flight, Di-Di. Chaos has already got the corkscrew ready and waiting.


Sue said...

Happy Birthday Di Di! I would also remind you that having her there for a few days may also increase the food items in your freezer. YUM!

kissmekaty said...

Happy Birthday Di! May God bless you with many more years of chaos! xoxoxo

Diane said...

Thanks Kar. for this and the link to the last one. And for being my sister. Love you. Wish you were here. we're going for sushi...