Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sing It With Me: AMEN!

"Tout va bien, Madame Clark. Tout va bien."

And with these words, My doctor earned his place on my Christmas gift list for life.

Yes, happy readers, Whoopsie is fine.

I don't think there is much more I can say except, one again, thank you for all the positive thoughts, good wishes, and prayers sent our way. I appreciate all of them and all of you.

The good news, besides that about Whoopise, is that I now have a huge void in my "stress planner" so if anyone would like to have me stress about something near and dear to you, I'd be happy to take up the cause! No job too big or too small!

Stressing over Christmas dinner? I've got your back.

Wondering why there is so much horribleness in the world? Shoot, I'm an old pro at that one.

Worried about where to send that daughter of yours to college? I'm your woman.

Not sure what you think about Hillary being Secretary of State? I'll ponder that one for you, no problem.

You see, I've learned these last two weeks that I can cry at the drop of a hat for both happy and sad things and I have a trememdous gift for insomnia. So please, feel free to call on my services.

It's the least I can do.

(Offer ends April 20, 2009 and not viable with any other offers or promotions from the Birth Control Bed & Breakfast. Only one stress per reader accepted. Other offers of 'things to stress over' will be handled by the wine department on a first come, first served basis till the cave is empty. More details available in person at the B&B.)


magali said...

Perfect news to start the day with!
Glad Whoopsie is fine!

As for worrying I think I can manage a good share of it too... stressing over a strange email subject ? Yes, that's me ;-))

Dig said...

An email subject? That's easy! If it's one you're not interested in, hit "delete!" ;)

Sue said...

Can I just go straight to the cave?????? I am very happy that all is well. I will remind you in 17 or 18 years about the whole stressing for college thing when Whoopsie is getting ready to leave the nest...

Diane said...

PLease, please, please start writing that book, or at least get this blog published. This is the best thing I ever read!!!

I think you covered all my stressors. Whew, glad to get that handled.

Kelly said...

Oh happy day! So glad everything is fine. I'll have to think about the stressors in my life. Now that Thanksgiving is over, I'm feeling a void as well. Maybe we can go in on this thing together?!

ellenstew said...

Such good news - I am so happy for you! What a great thing to be thankful for! Ellen

Nancy Molden said...

Hooray! Dig I'm so happy to hear your news. :)

ckweirath said...

Hooray! I'm so glad everything is fine. Maybe you should enjoy your stress lull. Soon enough you are going to have FOUR instruments of stress running around your house. And that's not even counting the dogs!