All she ever wanted in return was for us to send her one of these:

Yes, it's a drying rack. And for some strange reason, she can't find one like it in the US.
Now, I should be super sensitive to that whole, "not finding what I really want" thing after living here for so long, so you'd think I'd be a bit more willing to help her get one. After all, she's hauled peanut butter, cake mix, cloth nappies, and chocolate across the ocean for me, the least I can do is get her a drying rack.
But the truth is, I'm lazy and the thought of trying to figure how on earth I'm gonna pack that sucker up and send it to Kansas leaves me shaking. If only there was a Mail Boxes Etc near by, but alas, this is France. And there's not. Just me, a roll of duct tape, and not enough cardboard. Hence, why she still hasn't gotten one.
But Madame Home Depot has friends in high places it seems. My very own clothes rack like this one gave up the ghost the other day. Just one gust of wind too many and a very curious husky has now reduced it to a strange pile of metal. Which means, I need to get another one.
Enter Catholic guilt.
I could just buy one for us and let it go at that, praying that she'll buy one for herself the next time we haul her tookus over here (hopefully this spring) or I could finally do the right thing and get one for her and actually send it over the pond.
I know, I know. I need to stop being so lazy and just get off my bum, buy her a drying rack, slap some tape on it, and send it.
There will be a little perverse joy for me in that whole scenario though. Can you just see Miss Snootie's face when I finally haul that thing into the post office?
I was about to suggest going to a bigger post office (like Clermont) and getting some nice guy do it for you or giving it to a friend moving back...
But the look on Mrs Snotty's face will be so worth it!
Yet another French export!
You want sympathy from me who shipped a double jogging stroller over the sea . . .
I say you stick it in one of the many bags we haved sent over filled with Patton Originals and send it back with mom and Dad. There is a ups store right around the corner from us here in Elkridge.
Hey Karen - check out amazon. This one looks like it:
Then maybe you can just order it to be shipped to her?
Kitty rocks. I get the hint. :) If you buy one, we'll see if it fits in our container and then I'll go to Mailboxes Etc. and get it to our friend, Katie. After all, she did send me chocolate chips last year. :)
Look at all y'all looking out for Madame Home Depot! By golly, we're gonna get her a drying rack if it's the last thing we do!!
Is the MTM Industries 88346 Y-Airer Laundry Drying Rack
any better? It's cheaper.
Listen to you all, jeez, it takes a DRYING RACK to get all you girls excited ... that surely is the most damning indictment ever of mankind !!!
I am laughing so hard!!! The model from Costarama is the one I'm looking for. RHB, there are more chocolate chips on the way if you can fit 2-3 of those in your container. When folded up, they don't take up much room!!
P.S. RHB, any possibility of getting the peanut butter-chocolate chip muffin recipe?!?
Dave, Have you ever seen men at a ball game?
i'd love a peanut butter cc recipe!!! Don't need a drying rack...
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