*The "Belles Fleurs Award" goes to Hubster's best man's mother and father in law for planting all the random dahlia bulbs I had laying around. Most of them are just coming into bloom, so we have beautiful colours and flowers to greet us every morning.
*The "Free to Flush Award" goes to my parents for being here when Hubster and I had the joy of playing in our sewer lines. They were able to keep our tribe happy and occupied so that the only the little shits we had to deal with were in the garden.
*The "I'll Feed the Dogs Award" goes to Mooster, with out a doubt. Bless her socks for helping us get Abeka settled and happy here.
*The award for "Arriving in Style" goes to Hubster's friends who pulled up in a Nissan Skyline, a car who's motor purred like nothing we've ever had in our family.
*"Finding Joy in an Old House Award" is given to our friends from outside London who reminded us that living in something as old as this place is a good thing and that no matter what, these thick walls should probably still be standing here in 150 more years regardless of what we do to them.
*The "Still The Same After All These Years Award" goes to my roommate from college. We may now be parents and a touch wiser than when we were 20, but we haven't really changed and she's still one of the best people I know.
*"Expanding the Cave Award" goes to our friends from Germany who refilled our stock of German white wine (something we were very, very happy about) and helped us have our own 'degustation' of wine, cheese, and ham every evening on the terrace. I've promised to learn more German before they visit again so I'd better get started since I have a feeling our annual summer visits are far from being a random thing. Bringen Sie in der Wein!
*The award for "Happy to Be Here" goes to my grade school friend who now lives in London. She left hidden notes all over the house for us to find and when I do, I leave them so I can find them again. It's nice getting to smile with her everyday. (I may have to move the one in the fridge though. It was a little too close to the cheese and now the paper looks like it's becoming Bleu d'Auvergne...)
And the last award, "Bucking the Trend" goes to two friends of Hubster's from university who, even after staying with us for several days, are now pregnant with their second child. I hope this means we haven't lost our touch!
So, thank you all and anyone I've not mentioned for being part of our lives and for being with us here.
The guest room is always ready for you. All of you.
Just not all of you at once...
Just to make sure you don't lose the Birth Control part of your B&B name, I'll have to come and visit again soon ;-)
Well said! I'd like to book a room sometme...sigh.
The view from the window is very tempting!
I would like to make a provisional booking for summer 2009 please....but if you can guarantee fertility can we make it next week?
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