Friday, April 29, 2011

A Few Thoughts That Stuck

Yes, I watched it. 

I hadn't really planned on doing that, but something about the uniforms, the horses, or the young happy faces of William and Harry just got me. I got sucked in and carried away with all that joy that a wedding brings. The optimism. The beauty. The hope. The fairy tale and its iced cake.

And then, about the time Kate got out of the car, I got sad thinking about my own wedding not quite ten years ago. I thought about The Man, who we were, the promises made that have been broken, our expectations that may have been too high, our pledges to each other, shattered, and now super glued back together...

And then I listened to The Bishop: 

"The spiritual life grows as love finds its centre beyond ourselves. Faithful and committed relationships offer a door into the mystery of spiritual life in which we discover this: the more we give of self, the richer we become in soul; the more we go beyond ourselves in love, the more we become our true selves and our spiritual beauty is more fully revealed. In marriage we are seeking to bring one another into fuller life."

"It is of course very hard to wean ourselves away from self-centredness. People can dream of such a thing but that hope should not be fulfilled without a solemn decision that, whatever the difficulties, we are committed to the way of generous love."

"As the reality of God has faded from so many lives in the West, there has been a corresponding inflation of expectations that personal relations alone will supply meaning and happiness in life. This is to load our partner with too great a burden. We are all incomplete: we all need the love which is secure, rather than oppressive. We need mutual forgiveness in order to thrive."

Mutual forgiveness. Generous love. This is what makes marriage. 

I think ours still may have a chance...


Kelly said...

Beautiful. XOXO

kissmekaty said...

Lovely! xoxoxoxooxox

Sue said...

Wow! Love you!!!

aLexis said...

saw this post coincidentally and somehow it touched my heart. keep believing and stay headstrong! :)

RHB said...

I watched it too- missed the Bishop, but agree with him wholheartedly- and the only source for that kind of love and forgiveness is Jesus Christ. It is by faith in Him that we are able to reconnect with God. Then God pours out His love in our hearts through His Spirit (Romans 5:5). We cannot give the kind of unconditional love that another person needs except by the Spirit of God who indwells those who trust in Jesus. So yes, there is hope for both of you and your marriage- and all marriages for that matter- in Him!