Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And Just What Does One Say To That?

I dropped Bubba-Love and The Princess off at school today so I could head into town for a morning meeting with my co-workers. As we walked up the stairs to his classroom, I explained to Bubba-Love how someone else would be looking after him this morning since the teachers were on strike. Again.

He stopped on the last step and looked at me with that serious look only a 4.5 year old can give when confronted with the complexities of strike action in France...

"Mom," he said, "if she doesn't like teaching school that much, why doesn't she just get another job?"


Diane said...

I guess she never explained to him that she wants to teach, but only until 60, not 62.

Sue said...

Out of the mouths of babes!!!! LOL!!!

kissmekaty said...

Because it's not about the money or age, she teaches for the pure joy of it!!!